2019-09-25T15:27:13 n119635

The faecal microbiome of a cohort of Australian ponies undergoing diet change

Viewed: 2503

The equine microbiome has been demonstrated to change in response to a change in diet, and it might also play a role in insulin dysregulation. This study examined the effect of adding pasture to a hay diet on the faecal bacterial microbiome in ponies. Some of the sixteen ponies in the study were healthy and some were insulin-dysregulated. Faecal samples were collected from the ponies before and after the change in diet, and 16S rRNA sequencing of the V3-V4 region was undertaken to identify the bacteria present. This data collection contains the raw data about each individual pony, such as their age, sex etc., and also data about their metabolic health. The microbiome sequence data ​from the faecal sample analysis is also included.

Access rights

Applications for access to this dataset can be made by contacting the primary contact. Terms of use for the data to be determined through negotiation with the primary contact.

Geographical area of data collection


Research areas

equine health
metabolic disease
horse health
faecal microbiome

Cite this collection

De Laat, Melody; Fitzgerald, Danielle; Spence , Robert (2019): The faecal microbiome of a cohort of Australian ponies undergoing diet change. Queensland University of Technology. (Dataset) https://doi.org/10.25912/5d8448c72c4c4

Data file types

.xlsx (Microsoft excel) .fastq.gz (FastQC v0.11.8 or Microsoft notepad) .svg (Internet explorer)


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-NC-SA)


©Queensland University of Technology, 2019

Dates of data collection

From 2016-11-01 to 2016-12-31


Has association with
Danielle Fitzgerald  (Researcher)
Robert Spence  (Researcher)
Has chief investigator
Melody de Laat  (Researcher)


Name: Dr Melody de Laat


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Record status:
Published - Open Access