2020-11-06T15:41:38 n1308

The QUT Bioinformatics Collection: source code

Viewed: 2097
The QUT Bioinformatics Collection is a suite of interrelated programs and libraries to help bioinformaticians visualise, navigate, query and work with genomic data. The initial public release of the collection introduces SilverMap, a BLAST visualisation tool, along with supporting libraries that allow integration in applications that use Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight display technologies.

Access rights

New and revised versions of the QUT Bioinformatics collection (QUT.Bio) are freely available to the bioinformatics community as open source software published under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL). Project hosting is provided by CodePlex.


Gordon J., Towsey M., Hogan J. M., Mathews S. A. and Timms P. (2006) Improved prediction of bacterial transcription start sites. Bioinformatics. 22(2): 142-148. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/7549/
Towsey M., Timms P., Hogan J. and Mathews S. A. (2008) The cross-species prediction of bacterial promoters using a support vector machine. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 32(5): 359-366. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/17083/
Maetschke S., Towsey M. and Hogan J. M. (2008) BioPatML - Pattern Sharing for the Genomic Sciences. In Microsoft eScience Workshop. December 7-9, 2008 Birds of a Feather Session: Semantics for eScience. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/27327/
Grech B. J., Maetschke S., Mathews S. A. and Timms P. (2007) Genome-wide analysis of chlamydiae for promoters that phylogenetically footprint. Research in Microbiology. 158(8-9): 685-693. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/14844/
Sumitomo J., Hogan J. M., Newell, F.S.and Roe P. (2009) BioMashups: the new world of exploratory bioinformatics? Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Special Issue on Scientific Discovery. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/42650/
Buckingham L., Hogan J. M., Roe P., Sumitomo J. and Towsey, M. (2008) Comparative Studies Simplified in GPFlow. International Workshop on Applications of workflows in Computational Science (AWCS 08) in conjunction with International Conference on Computational Science, LNCS 5103, Springer. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/47460/
Towsey M., Gordon J. and Hogan J. M. (2006) The Prediction of Bacterial Transcription Start Sites using Support Vector Machines. International Journal of Neural Systems. 16(5): 363-370. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/6367/
Maetschke, Stefan, Towsey, Michael W., & Hogan, James M. (2007) BioPatML - an XML description language for patterns in biological sequences. QUT (unpublished). http://eprints.qut.edu.au/7730/

Research areas

Biological sciences
Bioinformatics software
Artifical intelligence and image processing
Biochemistry and cell biology
Distributed computing
Computer software
Medical biotechnology

Cite this collection

Roe,Paul. (2016): The QUT Bioinformatics Collection: source code . [Queensland University of Technology]. http://researchdatafinder.qut.edu.au/individual/n1308

Related information

Blast Atlas link to be provided
QUT.Bio on CodePlex http://qutbio.codeplex.com/
SilverGene link to be provided
.Net Bio: an open source library of common bioinformatics functions http://bio.codeplex.com/

Partner institution

Microsoft QUT eResearcher Centre: Smart tools for bioinformatics http://www.mquter.qut.edu.au/bio/
QUT Institute for Health and Biomedical Science (IHBI) http://www.ihbi.qut.edu.au/
Michigan State University http://www.msu.edu/
QUT Institute for Sustainable Resources https://www.qut.edu.au/institute-for-future-environments
Brisbane Airport http://www.bne.com.au/
Queensland State Government http://www.qld.gov.au/



Data file types

not stated


Has chief investigator
Jim Hogan  (Researcher)
Lawrence Buckingham   (Researcher)
Michael Towsey  (Researcher)
Paul Roe  (Researcher)
Peter Timms  (Researcher)


Name: Jim Hogan
Phone: +61 7 3138 9328


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Published - Open Access