2019-06-27T13:40:47 n13898

Exports of Australian sugar in 2012-2013 in kilotonnes

Viewed: 1677

Australia is the second largest raw sugar exporter in the world, with its main markets being South Korea, Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia. This datset was digitised in-house at Queensland University of Technology and contains the volume, in kilotonnes, of exports of sugar over 2012 and 2013. The raw data was sourced from ABARES; Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Trade, Australia, cat. no. 5465.0, Canberra; Queensland Sugar Limited, Annual Report, Brisbane.

This dataset is used in conjunction with other datasets in The Cube Globe G20 visualisation project. It helps to provide information on Queensland agriculture through case studies from the horticulture and agriculture industries including fruit and vegetable, sugar and beef exports.

Access rights

Access to the data is through the primary contact.

Location of data collection

159.255525,-9.219822 112.921454,-9.219822 112.921454,-54.777219 159.255525,-54.777219 159.255525,-9.219822

Research areas

Spatial Data
Sugar exports


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)



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Published - Open Access