
QUT's Research Data Finder is a data repository for published research data created or collected by QUT researchers. Designed to promote the visibility of research data, Research Data Finder provides descriptions about shareable, reusable datasets available via open or mediated access. Spatial Data Finder is a collection of datasets that are spatial in nature.

Publishing research data as an accompaniment to a publication is encouraged (and in some cases, required) by journals to enhance transparency and reproducibility of published research. Acknowledging that in some cases, it is not possible to share or publish data e.g. industry-funded research, research staff and students are encouraged to deposit and describe their data here.

Research which is supported by public funding, and higher degree research student projects, must use QUT's Data Management Planning tool to create a data management plan.

Research data management planning through the Tool considers:

  • Each element of the research data management life cycle of planning, storage, retention, access and re-use, and disposal
  • Ethical requirements such as consent to re-use participant data, privacy, confidentiality of records, and the cultural sensitivity of research data and primary materials
  • Any contractual arrangements and legislative requirements, including funding body requirements that must be adhered to.

Researchers are encouraged to read QUT’s Statement of Responsibilities before publishing their research data and/or metadata.

Data Sharing at QUT

Information stored in QUT Research Data Finder is exposed to a wider research audience through selected external harvesters, including the Australian National Data Service (through their national portal, Research Data Australia) as well as being highly indexed by the major search engines.

The open sharing of research data benefits researchers through:

  • Saving time and money collecting data that might already exist
  • Advancing scientific discovery
  • Combining datasets to create new data
  • Re-purposing data to enable exploration of topics not envisioned by initial investigators
  • Eliminating duplication of data
  • Facilitating the verification of research
  • Increased numbers of publication citations, leading to a higher h-index
  • Successful applications for promotion and tenure
  • More opportunities for collaboration with industry partners
  • Successful research grant applications
  • New discoveries and publications arising from the combination of datasets


The QUT Software Finder website Copyright @ QUT. All rights reserved. QUT Copyright

Datasets within QUT Software Finder have been described in good faith. Every attempt is made to ensure copyright obligations have been met. Please see individual dataset records for specific copyright, license and access information.

If you have discovered material on Software Finder which you consider infringes your copyright, contact researchdatafinder@qut.edu.au and provide the following information:

  • Your complete contact details
  • Details of the relevant dataset, including URL
  • Full details of your complaint
  • Confirmation that you are the copyright holder or are authorised to act on behalf of the copyright holder