2019-07-04T10:36:40 n1458

Location of Queensland Institute of TAFE international partner facilities

Viewed: 1539
TAFE Queensland has partnered with many overseas institutions. For example TAFE partnered with the Shanghai Second Polytechnic University to establish the highly successful Queensland College, a world-class joint training facility in China. The data to create this shape file was provided by QLD Education Council and geocoded inhouse at the Institute for Future Environments using Google maps. This dataset is used in conjunction with other datasets in The Cube Globe G20 visualisation project. It helps to provide information on Education Queensland’s global reputation through case studies such as the vocational education and training providers of Queensland actively engaging in transnational education.

Access rights

Access to this data is through the primary contact.

Location of data collection

73.828125,21.943046 150.468750,49.382373 -171.562500,-21.943046 91.406250,-7.710992 73.828125,21.943046

Research areas

Spatial Data


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)


Name: Gavin Winter


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Published - Open Access