2023-08-14T15:31:36 n15179

Supplementary data on Havre 2012 pink pumice

Viewed: 1068

Data includes TIFF images of XFM and Fe-XANES elemental maps produced at the Australian Synchrotron, as well as raw rock magnetic data.  All other data is included in the supplementary file or in the following paper:

Knafelc, J., Bryan, S.E., Jones, M.W.M. et al. Havre 2012 pink pumice is evidence of a short-lived, deep-sea, magnetite nanolite-driven explosive eruption. Commun Earth Environ 3, 19 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00355-3.

Geographical area of data collection

Data was collected on pumice raft samples along the eastern coast of Australia, from the Havre 2012 submarine eruption (SW Pacific volcano).


Knafelc, Joseph, Bryan, Scott, Jones, Michael, Gust, David, Mallmann, Guilherme, Cathey, Henrietta, Berry, Andrew, Ferre, Eric, & Howard, Daryl L. (2022) Havre 2012 pink pumice is evidence of a short-lived, deep-sea, magnetite nanolite-driven explosive eruption. Communications Earth & Environment, 3, Article number: 19. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/227988/
Supplementary information for 'Havre 2012 pink pumice is evidence of a short-lived, deep-sea, magnetite nanolite-driven explosive eruption' https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-022-00355-3#Sec16

Research areas

Submarine Explosive eruptions
Pink pumice
Havre 2012
Mineralogy and crystallography

Cite this collection

Knafelc, Joseph; Bryan, Scott; Jones, Michael; Gust, David; Mallmann, Guil; Cathey, Henrietta; Berry, Andrew; Ferre, Eric; Howard, Daryl; (2022): Supplementary data on Havre 2012 pink pumice. Queensland University of Technology. (Dataset) https://doi.org/10.25912/RDF_1650412444912

Related information

QUT news article: Pink pumice key to revealing explosive power of underwater volcanic eruptions https://www.qut.edu.au/research/article?id=180014

Partner institution

School of Geosciences, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA, USA https://geos.louisiana.edu/
Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia. https://earthsciences.anu.edu.au/
Australian Synchrotron, ANSTO, Clayton, VIC, Australia https://www.ansto.gov.au/research/facilities/australian-synchrotron/overview

Data file types

Text files (.txt); Image files (.tiff); and, Microsoft Excel files (.xlsx)


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)


© Joseph Knafelc, Australian Synchrotron, 2022.

Dates of data collection

From 2017-07-15 to 2022-02-28


Has association with
David Gust  (Researcher)
Henrietta Cathey  (Researcher)
Michael Jones  (Researcher)
Scott Bryan  (Researcher)


Name: Dr Joseph Knafelc


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Record status:
Published - Open Access