2024-03-21T12:46:39 n23009

Dr Brett Lewis

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Faculty of Science
School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Viewed: 995

Brett’s current work uses advanced imaging and sampling techniques to establish the first conceptual model for coral attachment by that for the first time allowed us to describe the biological steps leading to substrate attachment over hours/days, instead of weeks/months. This model is now at the center of a cross-institutional collaborative project with the University of Technology Sudney (UTS) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) that will test the model across multiple species of threatened corals to identifying factors that limit and enhance the rate and extent of attachment. This project will set precise biological baselines, protocols and timelines that inform Australia’s Coral Nurture Program and global out-planting practices – enhancing the success of restoration practices. Brett is also a council member for the Australian Coral Reef Society.

Brett’s work has had significant global reach with over 10 million views online, featuring in over 250 media outlets including National Geographic, Scientific American, and the Washington Post. While also appearing in documentary series for PBS, ABC, and the BBC. Brett’s work is also being featured in museums, educational institutions and programs over 15 different countries and has led to led to the development of important citizen science programs with-in Moreton Bay’s local community. Brett has made public presentations for Sea Shepard, TEDx, Brisbane’s World Science Festival, and Pint of Science while also presenting his research at the World Congress for Science and Factual Producers, The International STEM in Education conference, and the Australian Coral Reef Society Conference where he won Awards for Best Poster Presentation (2019) and Best Oral Presentation (2018). His impact and outreach led to him being awarded the Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) Vice Chancellors Award for Leadership and Engagement.

Brett’s unique ability to capture unique coral science has lead to collaboration with the BBC where he filmed and help develop narrative for the documentary series Earth from Space (2019).

Projects (Chief investigator)



Author publications, as listed on QUT ePrints https://eprints.qut.edu.au/view/person/Lewis,_Brett.html

Research areas

Reef ecosystems
Physiological adaptation
Natural recovery
Coral reef


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Published - Open Access