2023-01-11T11:54:32 n29392

Industry Type, Skilled Employment and Income: Kelvin Grove Urban Village, Macquarie Park Innovation District and Monash Technology Precinct, Australia

Viewed: 817

This dataset is a summary of  industry types, skilled employment,  sales income, and  number of employees collected from Kelvin Grove Urban Village (Brisbane), Macquarie Park Innovation District (Sydney), and Monash Technology Precinct (Melbourne), Australia. It was compiled from the data extracted from Dunn & Bradstreet directory,  relevant business websites, Google Earth (2018 imagery date) and Google My Map (2021 Imagery date). The dataset is presented in excel spreadsheets (tables 1-4) which consist of separate data for multinational, large national , and small and medium enterprises operating at the study areas at the time of the data collection from February 2021 to April 2022.

The dataset is used in conjunction with other datasets in a pilot study which adopts a multidimensional innovation district performance framework to develop an innovation district typology matrix and evaluates its practicality with real innovation district data. The dataset contributes toward classification of Australia’s three eminent innovation districts ─Macquarie Park Innovation District, Monash technology Precinct and Kelvin Grove Urban Village based on their performance.

Geographical area of data collection



Adu McVie, Rosemary Sokalamis, Yigitcanlar, Tan, Xia, Bo, & Erol, Isil (2022) Innovation District Typology Classification via Performance Framework: Insights from Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. Buildings, 12(9), Article number: 1398. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/235113/

Research areas

Monash Technology Precinct
Macquarie Park Innovation District
Innovation district classification
Typology matrix
Kelvin Grove Urban Village
Innovation district

Cite this collection

Adu McVie, Rosemary; Yigitcanlar, Tan; Xia, Bo; Erol, Isil; (2022): Industry Type, Skilled Employment and Income: Kelvin Grove Urban Village, Macquarie Park Innovation District, Monash Technology Precinct. Queensland University of Technology. (Dataset) https://doi.org/10.25912/RDF_1673400515569

Data file types

Excel spreadsheet .xlsx


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)


© Rosemary Adu McVie, 2022

Dates of data collection

From 2021-02-01 to 2022-04-30


Has association with
Bo Xia  (Researcher)
Tan Yigitcanlar  (Researcher)


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Record status:
Published - Open Access