2023-08-07T13:04:41 n31441

TNFSP MIP Evaluation Method and Previous Solutions

Viewed: 555

This dataset contains the code for an evaluation method to the Transit Network Frequency Setting Problem (TNFSP). Also included are previous solutions published for the Mandl Swiss Benchmark Network, and their evaluations using the method.

Geographical area of data collection

The data was collected from other papers (from mostly international journals) and comprised solutions (a set of routes) to a few common network/benchmark dataset. The networks they solve are based on a series of Swiss towns or have been computer generated.

Research areas

Operations research
Transport engineering
Transit Network Frequency Setting Problem (TNFSP)

Cite this collection

Rosentreter, Joshua; Corry, Paul; (2023): TNFSP MIP Evaluation Method and Previous Solutions. Queensland University of Technology. (Dataset) https://doi.org/10.25912/RDF_1688693599191

Data file types

The .zip file contains data file types including: - csv (Comma Separated Value); - cpp (C++ Code, and associated Visual Studio Project Files); - xlsx (Excel); - m (MATLAB). The ReadMe file is in .pdf format


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)


© Queensland University of Technology, 2023.

Dates of data collection

From 2022-08 to 2023-01


Has association with
Paul Corry  (Researcher)


Name: Mr Joshua Rosentreter


Date record created:
Date record modified:
Record status:
Published - Open Access