2021-01-07T16:03:11 n39033

A causal role for the right Angular Gyrus in Self-Location mediated Perspective Taking

Viewed: 951

This dataset is part of an original research paper published on 23 December, 2020 in Scientific Reports. It was conducted by international PhD student Debbie M.L. de Boer at the QUT Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI) from April 26th until July 1st 2019. It investigated whether the brain’s ability to locate itself might be the key mechanism for self-identification and distinguishing self from other signals (i.e. perspective-taking).

Experimental Design

This study comprised a fully randomised, double-blind and sham-controlled high definition tDCS experiment. The experiment had a crossover, mixed factorial design with two repeated measures (i.e., sessions) on the dependent variables and one independent grouping factor with four levels (i.e., experimental conditions). In each session, healthy volunteers controlled for susceptibility factors (e.g., time Perceptual Aberration Scale, t-PAS) completed a (i) stereoscopic 3D Full-body Illusion (FBI) paradigm and (ii) a (control) Perspective Taking (PT) computer task. Half of the participants received active stimulation on Session 1 versus sham stimulation on Session 2. The FBI-paradigm had two dependent variables: (i) the pre- and posttest displacement scores (behavioral measure with two levels) and (ii) the total exit-interview scores (psychometric measure). The PT-task (composed of an OBT-task & control LAT-task) had four dependent variables with three levels: (i) mean response times and (ii) accuracy scores were calculated for each of three blocks per task. OBT = own-body transformation; LAT = lateralisation.

Statistical Analyses

The experiment had six dependent variables spread over two tasks (FBI; PT) with two repeated measures (Session 1 & 2) and one grouping variable (i.e., four experimental conditions). Each of the dependent variables (e.g., “Total Exit Interview Score”) was analyzed separately in a mixed ANOVA with one between-subjects factor (e.g., “Experimental Condition” with four levels) and one within-subjects factor (e.g., “Session” with two levels). Where appropriate, the four experimental groups were taken together creating an independent variable “Stimulation Order” with two levels: stimulation Session 1 (FBI-PT 1 & PT-FBI 1) versus stimulation Session 2 (FBI-PT 2 & PT-FBI 2). In addition, the dependent variables of the PT-task were analyzed in a one-way repeated measures MANOVA to check for task-learning effects over consecutive blocks and sessions irrespective of stimulation order. Finally, correlations between behavioural and psychometric measures (incl. a reliability check) are reported.

Access rights

Any researcher may access the data for the purpose of its reprocessing and further scientific analysis. There is no embargo and no time limit on the access.

Geographical area of data collection



A causal role for the right angular gyrus in self-location mediated perspective taking https://eprints.qut.edu.au/206162/
Where is my Mind? Separating the Self from the Body through Perspective Taking http://dx.doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8y9eb

Research areas


Cite this collection

de Boer, Debbie Margaretha Louisa (2020): A causal role for the right Angular Gyrus in Self-Location mediated Perspective Taking. Queensland University of Technology. (Dataset) https://doi.org/10.25912/RDF_1609995816091

Partner institution

UQ Centre for Clinical Research https://clinical-research.centre.uq.edu.au/
Center for Research in Cognitioin and Neurosciences https://crcn.ulb.ac.be/

Data file types

Data file types include: .sav (SPSS v25.0), .spv (SPSS v25.0), .xlsx (Microsoft Excel 2016 v16.0), .docx (Word 2016 v16.0), .pdf (Foxit Reader 8.3), and .jpg (e.g., FastStone Image Viewer.


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)


© Debbie Margaretha Louisa de Boer, 2020.

Dates of data collection

From 2019-04-26 to 2019-07-01


Has association with
Graham Kerr  (Researcher)
Patrick Johnston  (Researcher)
Has chief investigator
Debbie de Boer  (Researcher)


Name: Debbie de Boer


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Published - Open Access