Hull fouling marine invasive species pose a very low, but plausible, risk of introduction to East Antarctica in climate change scenarios
This dataset includes the data used for the XGBoost model building (tab 2) from the manuscript "Holland, Oakes, Shaw, Justine, Stark, Jonathan S., & Wilson, Kerrie A. (2021) Hull fouling marine invasive species pose a very low, but plausible, risk of introduction to East Antarctica in climate change scenarios. Diversity and Distributions, 27(6), pp. 973-988.".
It also includes the data used to make predictions about the ability of marine invasive species to survive in shallow coastal ecosystems adjacent to Australia's Antarctic research stations and Australia's subantarctic islands over different time periods (tabs 3 - 9). The final tab (tab 10) is the count of how many ports each species was matched with.
There are two aggregations of variables: an annual aggregation and a seasonal aggregation. The annual aggregation is the minimum, average, and maximum for each year averaged over the time periods specified below. The seasonal aggregation is the minimum, average, and maximum for each season (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) for each year averaged over the time periods specified below. The seasons for future climate at the Antarctic and subantarctic sites are based on Southern Hemisphere seasons.