2018-07-01T09:29:47 q20

Professor Lionel Page

QUT Business School
Economics and Finance
Viewed: 2349

Before joining QUT in 2010, Lionel Page was a Research Fellow at the University of Westminster in London and a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge. Lionel graduated from the Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan and the ENSAE (Paris Graduate School of Economics, Statistics and Finance) and received his PhD from the Paris School of Economics (Paris 1 – Sorbonne) in 2007.

Lionel is an ARC Discovery Early Career Research Fellow and a Queensland Smart Future Fellow, whose research interests are in the study of individual and group behaviour (behavioural economics) and applied econometrics, with a specific focus on choice under risk and uncertainty, behaviour in competition, political choices and educational choices.


Research areas

Applied economics

Related information

QUT News article, 'American Idol: last performer has upper hand' http://www.news.qut.edu.au/cgi-bin/WebObjects/News.woa/wa/goNewsPage?newsEventID=38196


Has association with
Katie Page  (Researcher)
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Name: Professor Lionel Page
Phone: +61 7 3138 1481
Fax: +61 7 3138 1500


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Published - Open Access