2020-11-06T14:36:49 q3

Public views on carbon sequestration

Viewed: 1229

This dataset consists of one SPSS (statistical processing package) file which lists the responses from 1273 people who participated in a survey about their perceptions of carbon sequestration.

In 2005, an Australian market research company was commissioned to survey members of an online panel in return for entry into a prize draw, where participants could win up to $2000 worth of gift vouchers. The quantitative survey was performed with the aim of providing a benchmark of current perceptions of a potential greenhouse gas problem and reactions to a possible solution, as well as the attitudes, expectations and fears of specific sub-groups of respondents. The majority of respondents were female (79%) with the mean age of the sample 36.6 years, ranging from 18 to 79 years.

Access rights

The owner of this data collection reserves the right to provide access to the data by negotiation. You could be required to indicate your intended use of the data and to fulfil other terms and conditions as determined by the data owners. Please contact Evonne Miller at e.miller@qut.edu.au for permission to view/re-use this data set.

Geographical area of data collection

109.283205,-10.247468 156.919924,-10.247468 156.919924,-46.147570 109.283205,-46.147570 109.283205,-10.247468


Miller, Evonne, Summerville, Jennifer, Buys, Laurie, and Bell, Lorriane. (2008). Initial public perceptions of carbon sequestration: implications for engagement and environmental risk communication strategies. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 8(1/2), pp. 147-164. http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJGENVI.2008.017265
Miller, Evonne, Bell, Lorraine M., and Buys, Laurie. (2007). Public understanding of carbon sequestration in Australia: socio-demographic predictors of knowledge, engagement and trust. International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 5(1), pp. 15-33. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/12353/

Research areas

Other built environment and design
Social Change
Risk perception
Communication strategies
Socio-demographic differences
Environmental risk

Cite this collection

Miller, Evonne; Summerville, Jennifer; Buys, Laurie; Bell, Lorriane (2012): Public views on carbon sequestration. Queensland University of Technology. (Dataset) https://doi.org/10.4225/09/587d71143531c

Related information

OpinionsPaid - online community obtaining and analysing panel members' opinions to understand consumer attitudes and perceptions in Australia. http://www.opinionspaid.com/op/

Data file types



© Queensland University of Technology.

Dates of data collection

From 2005 to 2005


Has association with
Evonne Miller  (Researcher)
Jennifer Summerville  (Researcher)
Laurie Buys  (Researcher)
Lorraine Bell  (Researcher)
Is managed by
Evonne Miller  (Researcher)


Name: Evonne Miller
Phone: +61 7 3138 9011
Fax: +61 7 3138 1528


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Published - Open Access