Fusion transcripts in prostate cancer using RNA sequences derived from Australian and Chinese men
This data consists of a list of fusion transcripts expressed in prostate cancer, a list of number of repetitive DNA at fusion loci, and a list of fusion transcripts from this study that was also detected in the Yu et al. (2015), Nature Genetics (47): 199-208 study. This study used the FusionMap program, the RNAfold program, the MEME program, various custom Perl programs, and online data sets (Yu et. al from above, Repeat masker library hg19.fa.out). Much of the data was analysed on desktop PCs running the programs stated above in a Linux environment. In some cases, programs were run on QUT's Lyra, High Performance Computing, to speed up analysis times. This data forms part of research which looks at the mechanism of fusion transcription in the human genome and fusion transcript loci sharing many genomic features with non-fusion loci. This research is funded through the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), QLD Government Smart Futures Premier's Fellowship and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA). Research is conducted in partnership with the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre, QLD and Anatomical Pathlology, Pathology QLD.