2019-08-29T14:55:17 n5623

Dr Alina Bialkowski

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
Viewed: 5166

Dr Alina Bialkowski is a computer vision & machine learning researcher and lecturer, working on applications in medical imaging and intelligent transport systems. Her research interests are in extracting information from complex data and developing interpretable models to solve real-world problems. She holds a PhD and BEng (Electrical Engineering) from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Her doctoral studies were in characterising group behaviours from visual and spatio-temporal data to enhance statistics and visualisation in sports analytics as well as intelligent surveillance systems. She spent a year at Disney Research Pittsburgh where she developed algorithms and tools to automatically analyse team sports, followed by 2.5 years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University College London, developing deep neural networks to better understand human perception and attention in driving



Author publications, as listed on QUT ePrints http://eprints.qut.edu.au/view/person/Bialkowski,_Alina.html

Research areas

Electrical and electronic engineering
Artifical intelligence and image processing
Signal processing
Image processing
Information and computing sciences
Soft biometrics

Related information

Google Scholar Citations http://goo.gl/l7ITWj


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Published - Open Access