Associate Professor Adrian Kelly
Faculty of Health
School of Psychology & Counselling
Adrian Kelly is Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology and Academic Lead (Postgraduate Research) in the QUT School of Psychology and Counselling. He is an Investigator within the Centre for Inclusive Education, and Co-Director of the Child Adversity Research Program.
Adrian has an internationally recognised track record in research on child and adolescent pathways into health and educational risk. He is interested in delivering efficacious and cost effective interventions that tackle key public health problems for young people, including depression, family distress, drug and alcohol use, sports betting and related forms of gambling.
Adrian is a past NHMRC Career Development Fellow, he has published more than 100 peer reviewed papers, and he has held many ARC Discovery projects and NHMRC Projects as first chief investigator. His contribution to reducing the impact of drug and alcohol problems in young people has been recognised at Federal and State levels, including the Australian Federal Government Department of Health and Ageing ‘Excellence in Research’ award (Parliament House, 2013).
Adrian has successfully supervised many PhD, Masters, and Honours students over two decades. Many of his students have published their research in top tier journals, received prestigious university and national scholarships/fellowships, and won prestigious international travel fellowships.