2019-08-22T11:43:59 n2630

Effect of partial H2O-D2O replacement on the anisotropy of transverse proton spin relaxation in bovine articular cartilage: part 3 of raw data

Viewed: 1535

Anisotropy of transverse proton spin relaxation in collagen-rich tissues like cartilage and tendon is a well-known phenomenon that manifests itself as the "magic-angle" effect in magnetic resonance images of these tissues. It usually attributed to the non-zero averaging of intra-molecular dipolar interactions in water molecules bound to oriented collagen fibers. One way to manipulate the contributions of these interactions to spin relaxation is by partially replacing the water in the cartilage sample with deuterium oxide. It is known that dipolar interactions in deuterated solutions are weaker, resulting in a decrease in proton relaxation rates.

In this work, the effects of deuteration on the longitudinal and the isotropic and anisotropic contributions to transverse relaxation of water protons in bovine articular cartilage was investigated. The anisotropy of transverse proton spin relaxation in articular cartilage is independent of the degree of deuteration is demonstrated, bringing into question some of the assumptions currently held over the origins of relaxation anisotropy in oriented tissues.

Access rights

Any researcher may access the data for the purpose of its reprocessing and further scientific analysis. There is no embargo and no time limit on the access.

Geographical area of data collection

153.552920,-26.777500 152.452799,-26.777500 152.452799,-28.037280 153.552920,-28.037280 153.552920,-26.777500


Tadimalla S, Momot KI (2014) Effect of Partial H2O-D2O Replacement on the Anisotropy of Transverse Proton Spin Relaxation in Bovine Articular Cartilage. PLoS ONE 9(12 http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0115288

Research areas

Medical physics
Biological physics
Magnetic resonance imaging

Cite this collection

Tadimalla ,Sirisha ; Momot,Konstantin . (2014): Effect of partial H2O-D2O replacement on the anisotropy of transverse proton spin relaxation in bovine articular cartilage: part 3 of raw data. [Queensland University of Technology]. https://doi.org/10.4225/09/585c6edd666e7

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)


Sirisha Tadimalla and Konstantin I. Momot

Dates of data collection

From 2013-09-01 to 2014-02-28


Name: Dr Konstantin Momot
Phone: +61 7 0731381173


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Published - Open Access