2016-11-25T09:49:05 n3774

Biofuel Engine Research Facility (BERF)

Viewed: 2058
The Biofuel Engine Research Facility, in QUT's Science and Engineering Faculty, aim to develop a fundamental understanding of the combustion of dual-fuel engines; investigate the fundamental processes underlying ultrafine particle formation in dual fuel engines; develop quantitative understanding of the influence of different engine parameters and fuel/water ratio on (a) the performance and (b) emissions of a dual fuel engine; optimise dual fuel engine performance for methanol/ethanol blend fuels. We are testing the possibilities of the assemblies of vortex mixers and heat exchangers to the diesel engine to produce better engine performance. This technology offers the option to reduce the use of fossil fuels (diesel) and to increase the use of renewable fuel (ethanol). This project addresses Australia's research priority #1: An environmentally Sustainable Australia, through the priority goals of reducing emissions in transport as well as transforming existing industries. It is consistent with the Government's Transport Fuels Policy (to improve fuel standards and to develop the alternative fuel industry), will help to achieve the Government's Biofuels Target (of 350ML by 2010) and meets the goals of the AP6 Clean Technology program.


Ristovski, ZD, L. Morawska, N. Bofinger and J. Hitchins (1998) Submicron and Supermicron Emission from Spark Ignition Vehicles, Environ. Sci. Technol., 1998, 32 (24), pp 3845–3852 http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es980102d
Kelly, C.A. , Ayoko, G.A., Brown, R.J., & Swaroop, C.R. (2004) Underwater emissions from a two-stroke outboard engine : a comparison between an EAL and an equivalent mineral lubricant. Materials and Design, 26(7), pp. 609-617. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/46948/
Situ, Rong, Brown, Richard J., Ristovski, Zoran, Kruger, Uli, & Hargreaves, Douglas J. (2008) Analysis of dual fuel compression ignition (diesel) engine. In Masataka, Arai & Daisho, Yasuhiro (Eds.) The Seventh International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, 28-31 July 2008, Sapporo, Japan. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/17287/
Kruger, U. (2006) “Compression Ignition Engines”. United States Patent Office. No: 20040206329 https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pdfs/US20040206329.pdf
Ristovski, Zoran, Jayaratne, Rohan, Lim, McKenzie, Ayoko, Godwin A., & Morawska, Lidia (2005) Influence of the diesel fuel sulphur content on the nanoparticle emissions from a fleet of city buses. Environmental Science and Technology, pp. 1314-1320. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/1120/
Surawski, Nicholas C., Miljevic, Branka, Roberts, Boyd A., Modini, Robin L., Situ, Rong, Brown, Richard J., Bottle, Steven E., & Ristovski, Zoran D. (2010) Particle emissions, volatility, and toxicity from an ethanol fumigated compression ignition engine. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(1), pp. 229-235. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/29495/

Research areas

Atmospheric sciences
Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering (incl.,Alternative/Renewable Fuels)
Atmospheric Aerosols
Interdisciplinary engineering


Has association with
Doug Hargreaves  (Researcher)
Richard John Brown  (Researcher)
Zoran Ristovski  (Researcher)

Collaborators/Industry partners

SkillPro Services Pty Ltd http://www.skillpro.com.au/
The Dalby Town Council http://www.wdrc.qld.gov.au/
Peak 3: emission reduction technology http://www.peak3.com.au/


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Published - Open Access