Bus drivers' nutrition and physical activity survey results
This de-identified dataset includes the results of a self-completed questionnaire given to a sample of drivers from an Australian bus company in 2019. Drivers were asked about their intake of fruit, vegetables, unhealthy food and sugary drinks, the number of times per week they undertook moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity, the number of hours spent a) sitting (including driving), b) standing, c) walking, and d) doing heavy labour or physically demanding tasks, on a typical work day, and their environment at work in relation to healthy eating and physical activity. Additional questions were asked about drivers' use of digital technologies at work, and their preference for health interventions. Demographic information was also collected.
The questionnaire included nutrition and physical activity questions from publicly available validated survey tools, and was modified from an instrument created for workers in the road transport industry and used by the authors in a previous study.