2019-12-15T15:28:03 q22

Associate Professor James McGree

Associate Professor in Statistics
Science and Engineering Faculty
Mathematical Sciences
Viewed: 2769

James McGree holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) and PhD in statistics from the University of Queensland. In 2008, James was appointed as a Postdoctoral fellow at the Queensland University of Technology to explore 'Bayesian adaptive design for dose-finding studies'. James is now a Lecturer of Statistics at QUT.

James' research interests include:

  • Optimal experimental and adaptive design for various models including GLMs, GLMMs and nonlinear mixed effects models
  • Compound/competing design criteria
  • Bayesian optimal design
  • Design for multiple response situations
  • Probability-based optimal design
  • Bayesian Hierarchical Models

James has previously worked at the University of Southampton (UK), the University of Otago and spent time as a student intern at Novartis Pharma, a pharmaceuticals company.


Research areas

Bayesian modelling
Sequential design
Adaptive design
Optimal experimental design
Bayesian computational algorithms
Bayesian design