2019-07-16T09:57:52 n12736

Tropical forest landscape soundscape recordings from East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Viewed: 2111

A set of 112 recordings, ~24 hours each, from various habitat types in the Wehea landscape in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The recordings were made as a part of conservation survey work by The Nature Conservancy Indonesia within this region.

Data file types include: WAVE files, 44100 Hz, single-channel, 16-bit depth, 30 minutes long. Recorded by Frontier Labs Bioacoustic Recorders.

Access rights

The data is publicly available on the Ecosounds website. To access, users must first register and then log in with a verified email address.

Geographical area of data collection

116.465389,1.661472 117.127361,1.661472 117.127361,1.09575 116.465389,1.09575 116.465389,1.661472

Research areas

Environmental audio
Acoustic analysis

Cite this collection

Burivalova, Zuzana; Game, Edward; Purnomo, (2019): Tropical forest landscape soundscape recordings from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Queensland University of Technology. (Sound) https://doi.org/10.25912/5d2d11f52587a

Related information

Dr Zuzana Burivalova, University of Wisconsin-Madison (QUT collaborator) https://burivalova.wordpress.com/

Partner institution

University of Wisconsin-Madison https://www.wisc.edu/

Data file types

WAVE files, 44100 Hz, single-channel, 16-bit depth, 30 minutes long. Recorded by Frontier Labs Bioacoustic Recorders


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC-BY-NC)


© The Nature Conservancy and Zuzana Burialova, 2019.

Dates of data collection

From 2016-07-24 to 2016-08-20


Has association with
Anthony Truskinger   (Researcher)
Ecosounds  (Repository)
Michael Towsey  (Researcher)
Paul Roe  (Researcher)
QUT Ecoacoustics  (Group)
Is output of
QUT Ecoacoustics  (Group)


Name: Dr Anthony Truskinger
Phone: +61 7 3138 9381


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Record status:
Published - Open Access