2020-11-06T15:38:33 n21971

DOI Monkey

Viewed: 1880

DOI monkey is a DOI minting application developed by the Healthy Ecosystems and Environmnetal Monitoring theme at The QUT Institute for Future Environments.

The DOI Monkey provides 2 interfaces; a graphical interface to data managers and a machine-to-machine web service to Data Management Systems that manage their DOI minting via DOI Monkey. In addition, the DOI Monkey webapp uses the services of ANDS DataCite (see http://ands.org.au/cite-data/datacite.html). By providing a lookup service for a particular data repository and external ID, external systems can lookup DOIs for display without storing them internally.

Access rights

Contact owner for login and username for use. Also contact owner for access to the source code.

Research areas

Information and computing sciences

Cite this collection

Peter, Grace (2016): DOI Monkey. Queensland University of Technology. (Software) https://researchdatafinder.qut.edu.au/display/n21971


GNU General Public License (GPL)


©Queensland University of Technology

Data file types

The DOI Monkey application is a JEE webapp hosted in a Tomcat 6 web server. It is implemented using the Spring Roo rapid application environment, utilising Spring for object composition and web framework, and Hibernate for database persistence. The underlying database is a Postgresql 8.4 database.

Dates of development

From 2012-08-01 to 2013-08-01


Has chief investigator
Peter Grace  (Researcher)


Name: Professor Peter Grace


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Record status:
Published - Open Access