Professor Peter Grace
Science and Engineering Faculty
Earth, Environmental and Biological Sciences
Peter Grace researches in the areas of Greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural and native ecosystems, including trace gas emissions, carbon dioxide and and soil carbon sequestration mitigation strategies. He also researches nitrogen management and greenhouse gas emissions in cotton-based farming systems, funded by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation and the Australian Greenhouse Office (now Dept Climate Change), and examines the impact of agronomic management on losses of nitrogen gases, including the greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide. Research into soil health for sustainable farming was funded by Land and Water Australia, promoting the uses of relatively simple soil assays and educating land holders in soil management for maximising long-term productivity and profitability. Peter is the coordinator of the Australia Nitrous Oxide Program, a network of automated sampling sites funded by the Department of Agricultural Fisheries and Forestry and the Grains Research and Development Corporation. Carbon balance of grasslands (OzFlux) and the SEQ Peri-uban Supersite of the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), funded under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme (NCRIS).