2015-06-18T14:55:39 q115

Soil N2O fluxes from winter wheat at Kingsthorpe, Queensland

Viewed: 1559
Soil N2O fluxes from winter wheat were monitored over one season with an automated measuring and analysis system allowing for a high temporal resolution. Emissions were measured from different irrigation intensities according to the following experimental set up of 3 different irrigation treatments: (A) Fully-irrigated (I-50%) - The crop will be irrigated when 50% of the plant available water capacity (PAWC) is depleted;(B)Deficit-irrigated 1 (I-60%)- The crop will be irrigated when 60% of the PAWC is depleted; (C)Deficit-irrigated 3 (I-85%)- The crop will be irrigated when 85% of the PAWC is depleted.N2O emissions were measured with the closed chamber method with 3 replicates per treatmet for the period from June to October 2009.

Research areas

N20 emission
Atmospheric sciences
winter wheat
irrigation intensity
Earth sciences