2021-11-25T12:36:47 n6988

Analysis of apocryphal FADS2 activity in human prostate tumours and cancer cell lines

Viewed: 1305

Data sets associated with the main text figures and supplementary information for the Cell Reports publication "Apocryphal FADS2 activity promotes fatty acid diversification in cancer".  This data set has been revised from its previous edition, as available from the Research Data Finder record Metabolic plasticity in cancer activates apocryphal pathways for lipid desaturation

Data has been divided into primary folders, with labels referring to the relevant main/SI figure. In the case where multiple figure panels are present or multiple data sets were used in conjunction, these folders are further sub-divided and labelled accordingly. Data folders will include raw data files generated by the analytical instruments (see STAR METHODS section within the publication for more information), text files of specific code,  image file types for microscopy, and MS PowerPoint and Excel files showing raw and worked data.

Geographical area of data collection

1) QUT - Gardens Point Campus, P Block, Brisbane City, QLD 4000, Australia.
2) Universiteitssingel - 50, 6229 ER Maastricht, Netherlands.


Tousignant, Kaylyn D, Rockstroh, Anja, Poad, Berwyck L J, Talebi, Ali, Young, Reuben S E, Taherian Fard, Atefeh, Gupta, Rajesh, Zang, Tuo, Wang, Chenwei, Lehman, Melanie L, Swinnen, Johan V, Blanksby, Stephen J, Nelson, Colleen C, & Sadowski, Martin C (2020) Therapy-induced lipid uptake and remodeling underpin ferroptosis hypersensitivity in prostate cancer. Cancer & Metabolism, 8, Article number: 11. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/202211/
Paine, Martin, Poad, Berwyck, Eijkel, Gert, Marshall, David, Blanksby, Stephen, Heeren, Ron, & Ellis, Shane (2018) Mass spectrometry imaging with isomeric resolution enabled by ozone-induced dissociation. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 57(33), pp. 10524-10530. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/120319/
Marshall, David, Criscuolo, Angela, Young, Reuben, Poad, Berwyck, Zeller, Martin, Reid, Gavin, Mitchell, Todd, & Blanksby, Stephen (2019) Mapping unsaturation in human plasma lipids by data-independent ozone-induced dissociation. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 30(9), pp. 1621-1630. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/130909/
Poad, Berwyck, Marshall, David, Harazim, Eva, Gupta, Raj, Narreddula, Venkateswara Reddy, Young, Reuben, Duchoslav, Eva, Campbell, J., Broadbent, James, Cvacka, Josef, Mitchell, Todd, & Blanksby, Stephen (2019) Combining charge-switch derivatization with ozone-induced dissociation for fatty acid analysis. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 30(10), pp. 2135-2143. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/131340/
Young, Reuben S.E., Bowman, Andrew P., Williams, Elizabeth D., Tousignant, Kaylyn D., Bidgood, Charles L., Narreddula, Venkateswara R., Gupta, Rajesh, Marshall, David L., Poad, Berwyck L.J., Nelson, Colleen C., Ellis, Shane R., Heeren, Ron M.A., Sadowski, Martin C., & Blanksby, Stephen J. (2021) Apocryphal FADS2 activity promotes fatty acid diversification in cancer. Cell Reports, 34(6), Article number: 108738. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/208094/

Research areas

Isomer-resolved lipidomics
Mass spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry
Tissue imaging
Cell biology
Prostate cancer
Double bond isomers
Fatty acids
Cell lines

Cite this collection

Young, Reuben; Bowman, Andrew; Williams, Elizabeth; Tousignant, Kaylyn; Bidgood, Charles; Narreddula, Venkatswara; Gupta, Rajesh; Marshall, David; Poad, Berwyck; Nelson, Colleen; Ellis, Shane; Heeren, Ron; Sadowski, Martin; Blanksby, Stephen; (2021): Analysis of apocryphal FADS2 activity in human prostate tumours and cancer cell lines. Queensland University of Technology. (Collection) https://doi.org/10.25912/RDF_1611708145189

Partner institution

Data file types

1) .raw files (isomer resolved lipidomics) require ThermoXcalibur software to view. 2) .raw file folders (molecular imaging) require Water HDI software to view, folder contents are not able to be changed or moved without possibly corrupting the file folder. 3) .wiff and .wiff.scan files require Absiex Analyst or Absiex Peakview software to run, and must exist together in the same location to open. 4) MS file formats: .xlsx, .csv, .pptx. 5) Image file formats: .png, .tif. 6) .pzfx requires GraphPad Prism 8 XML Project software to view


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-NC-SA)


© Reuben S. E. Young, 2021.

Dates of data collection

From 2018-02-01 to 2020-10-30


Has association with
Berwyck Poad  (Researcher)
Colleen Nelson  (Researcher)
David Marshall  (Researcher)
Elizabeth Williams  (Researcher)
Lipid Isomer Compartmentalisation  (Research data set)
Rajesh Gupta  (Researcher)
Reuben Young  (Researcher)
Venkateswara Narredula  (Researcher)
Has chief investigator
Stephen Blanksby  (Researcher)


Name: Mr Reuben Young


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Record status:
Published - Open Access