2015-06-18T14:52:17 q23

Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation

Viewed: 1659

RIRDC is a statutory authority established by the Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989 (PIERD Act). The Corporation was established by the Australian Government to work with industry to invest in research and development for a more profitable, sustainable and dynamic rural sector.

Specifically, RIRDC’s mandate from government is to achieve results from research and development investments in three areas:

  • New and emerging industries
  • Specific established rural industries
  • National rural issues.

Research areas

Fisheries sciences
Veterinary sciences
Agriculture, land and farm management
Animal production
Crop and pasture production
Forestry sciences
Horticultural production


Has association with
James McGree  (Researcher)
Martin Sillence  (Researcher)


Phone: +61 2 6271 4100
Fax: +61 2 6271 4199


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Published - Open Access