Research data set
Molecular analysis of Plasmodium falciparum hrp2 and hrp3 deletions
Molecular influences relating to the development and biomineralization of the chiton radula, Acanthopleura histosa. Series GSE20105
Motivation Shifting in Giving: Moral Balancing Effects in Prosocial Context
Mouse xenographic tumour data
The multi-camera surveillance database: for the task of person re-identification
Musical training refines audiovisual integration but does not influence temporal recalibration
Musician mortality data, 1956-2007
N2O and N2 emissions from irrigated cotton in subtropical northeast Australia
N2O emission Kingsthorpe 50% irrigation intensity
N2O emissions from cotton crop, Kingsthorpe, Queensland, Australia 2009-10
N2O emissions from winter wheat crop, Kingsthorpe, Queensland, Australia 2009.
N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from a subtropical Lychee Farm
Near infrared spectroscopic mapping of articular cartilage
Neighbour joining tree showing the genetic relationships among feral pig individuals in north Queensland, based on Tamura-Nei genetic distances using control region mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) sequence data
A new plant terminator element and its role in small RNA-dependent gene regulation