Research data set RDF
pages:- Lethality caused by production of O antigen in E. coli K-12 strains in various culture conditions
- Lewins Rail recordings from Tasman Island Tractor
- Lipid Isomer Compartmentalisation
- Liquid chromatography ozone-induced dissociation mass spectrometry data - fatty acid discoveries in the human lipidome (OzFAD workflow)
- List of newsroom posts relating to harm or safety collected from major digital media platforms
- Long-term mobile robot sensory data
- Longitudinal study of sleep and daytime sleepiness in postpartum women at 6, 12 and 18 weeks
- Machine-based Production Scheduling for Rotomoulded Plastics Manufacturing - Datasets
- Macrobrachium transcriptomes
- Maps developed in measuring vertical tectonic motion at the intersection of the Santa Cruz Catalina Ridge and Northern Channel Islands platform, California Continental Borderland, using submerged paleoshorelines
- Mass spectrometric characterisation of fatty acid stereoisomers
- Material Characterisation and Testing Experimental Data Set
- MATLAB code and output files for integral, mean and covariance of the simplex-truncated multivariate normal distribution
- Measuring the interactions and influence of amphipathic copolymers with lipid monolayers and bilayers as models of biological membranes
- Mechanical testing of liver extracellular matrix-based hydrogels